Types of Child Custody in Wisconsin

The Court System of the State of Wisconsin grant guardianship if necessary, to protect those who are wards of the state. There are several different stages of protection. This can be either temporary or permanent, depending on the situation.


The court may appoint a person to be the one making the decision. The need for a tutor is generated due to a disability that makes a court finds a person unable to care for themselves or a child under 18. Al guardian is given the authority to make personal decisions for guardianship to consent to health care and medicines, housing choice and who will provide social services and support. A tutor may be an adult family member or family friend. Unfamiliar Volunteers may also apply for guardianship. The court decides the tutor based on what is best for the ward.


A guardian may be appointed temporarily a ward if time is critical and well-being of the person requires. Temporary custody is only used when it comes to a situation of emergency guardianship process and permanent take too long. Temporary custody will last no more than sixty days. It can be extended, if necessary, another 60 days only if good cause is shown. After additional 60 days, the protection has to end. There cannot be another temporary guardianship for at least 90 days after the expiry of the previous guardianship.


The successor guardianship is granted by the court to replace the tutor who has been removed, has resigned or died. The successor will replace the previous and present information as reports and accounts due annually in the same manner as above.


A guardian is appointed deputy court and assumes the same functions if the tutor present dies, resigns or becomes disabled. The alternate will assume the duties if the tutor takes a holiday present or if you are disabled due to a long-term illness. A tutor substitute has the authority to act unless the court will give a Power of Tutor ensuring authority.


Sometimes the court will appoint a co- tutor. This one has the power to act with another tutor. The court may order such that both co-guardians act independently of each other. Otherwise tutors can act only if there is an agreement among themselves. The co-guardians do not need to be married to each other to share custody.